Not as easy at it seems.
Its gray everywhere.
No one is perfect. Even then, we label people, inflict our stupid stereotypes, prejudices onto humans which cross our way...
Not thinking for a moment, the belief we are holding on to, crablike, is maybe too judgmental. If I don't chant, don't put tilak on my forehead, don't believe in existence of a god, its a taboo.
'Hush!' says society, 'Hush or our youngsters will listen your heresy. Hush, or they may start thinking about what we have hammered into their heads since their childhood. Hush, or we may start thinking too. Just keep quiet!'
Everybody is entitled to a belief, of course. You believe in deities, I don't. But I'm not here to persecute you for that. Just leave me and my faith alone, too!
When I hear a science graduate talk about how rashi bhavishya (horoscope) is scientific, without being able to address scientific queries regarding the same, I weep for future of science.
When I hear a PG from IIT Mumbai say, only the people who are good at heart have a sudden death (without long term illness etc) and no others, I'm speechless. So suicide bombers are good at heart and people who fight a losing battle with cancer, or children affected by polio, are not?
Nothing I say can cause any permanent change, I realize that. But if a single person sees what I'm trying to say, even for a single moment, I'll be happy...